Soft Skills Assessment, Discover Now Your Talents

3 April 2023

The soft skills, or transversal competences, are a series of skills and abilities that are not necessarily related to a specific professional activity, but which are essential for success in the world of work and in life in general.

These skills include:

  • result orientation
  • dynamism
  • time management
  • dexterity
  • attention to detail
  • respect for standards and values
  • effective communication
  • team working
  • autonomy
  • leadership
  • initiative
  • strategic vision
  • monitoring and control
  • personal orientation
  • flexibility
  • open-mindedness
  • creativity
  • problem solving
  • resilience
  • emotional intelligence

The importance of soft skills

Soft skills are important because they are essential for effective collaboration and communication in a work environment. Skills that can be used to manage conflicts, motivate employees, and increase organizational efficiency.


Soft skills are also important for individual career as they can lead to greater job satisfaction and professional growth. People who have good skills are often considered natural leaders and are able to influence others in a positive way.

How to identify your own soft skills?

Identifying and measuring your talents is the first fundamental step in which you ask yourself: “Who am I really?”“How can I best direct my important choices”.


With this aim we have developed the mapping and development of the talents present in each person How? Through Soft Skills Assessment, our assessment that allows you to identify strengths and weaknesses based on the 20 most requested soft skills in the world of work.

Develop soft skills

Developing soft skills takes time and constant practice. Here are some tips on how to develop soft skills:

  • Self-reflection: Take time to reflect on your strengths and weaknesses and how these may affect your ability to work in a team environment. This will help you identify areas where you need to improve
  • Training: Attend trainings and workshops that focus on soft skills. There are many resources available online and onsite that can help you develop these skills
  • Practice: Look for opportunities to practice soft skills in your daily work
  • Receive feedback: Ask your colleagues and supervisor for feedback on how you can improve your soft skills. Use this feedback to identify areas you need to focus on

Soft skills: which are the most requested?

There are tons of soft skills that can be useful in a work environment, but some are especially important. Here are some:

  • Effective communication: the ability to effectively use verbal and non-verbal language with respect to the different purposes of communication. Being able to conceive and produce documents of various kinds with a correct and effective use of language
  • Time management: The ability to organize and plan the division of time between specific activities. Good time management allows you to work smarter, so you get more done in less time, even when time is tight and pressures are high
  • Team working: the ability to get the most out of a working group, contributing to the achievement of common goals with willingness and a spirit of collaboration
  • Leadership: the ability to organize, lead and motivate others towards ambitious goals and objectives, building collaboration and trust


Soft skills are essential for success in the world of work and in life, in general.

Request your Soft Skills Assessment now and start directing your professional path and that of your collaborators as a protagonist.

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