2023 Is The Year Of (Re)Discovery Of Talent

9 January 2023

To understand what awaits us in 2023 from the point of view of the world of work and its trends, the editorial staff of LinkedIn News interviewed several industry experts and collected some very interesting data.

Talent is the key word

Talent must be cultivated and valued. A mantra that in recent years many companies have learned the hard way if we look carefully at the phenomena of the Grandimissioni and the Quiet Quitting.

Phenomena of American origin that have undermined the paradigm of “hustle culuture”, for which one is led to believe that working is the most important thing in one’s life, to the detriment of everything else.


Otherwise, making your workplace a kind environment and implementing measures to allow collaborators and employees to improve their balance between professional and private life, have become key elements in attracting talents, especially among the new generations.

This is what Alessandro Rimassa, founder and CEO of Radical HR, interviewed by the LinkedIn News team.

Alessandro Rimassa – Radical HR

Talent, a trend to follow

Talent is and will be a key issue in the labor market, also in 2023. The real challenge for the company will be to structure it in several phases:

  • attract
  • cultivate
  • withhold


If on the one hand the new generations will increasingly ask for more opportunities for professional growth and flexibility, on the other the human resources departments will have to balance the effort and find the right people for the vacancies in the company with loyalty programmes.

In which sectors will we see a greater rediscovery of talent in 2023?

“The rediscovery of talent will take place in all those professions of knowledge workers, those in which intellectual capacity and creativity are in the foreground and are made available to the company. In general, we are witnessing a revaluation of talent at the top of the pyramid of consumer services, even in sectors that we would never imagine. It is not a trend of 2023 only: we have years ahead in which the skills of the individual will grow in importance”.


Will attention to work-life balance become fundamental in terms of negotiation?

“Well-being is becoming a central theme. Smart working is in great demand and is becoming a part of negotiation, especially among people who can afford not to accept the first job they find. Let’s go towards a true work-life balance, something that no longer applies only to young people but also to the over 50s.”


How is talent cultivated today?

“Cultivating a talent today starts from an essential thing: listening and therefore understanding the differences and needs of people in the company. If you want to have talent in the company, you have to make them participate in their training plan” .


What does a training plan consist of?

It means building development plans ad personam, asking the collaborator regularly which are the areas they are most interested in and which skills they can or want to acquire. This is fundamental

“The skillfull corporation”

According to research data “McKinsey’s The Skillfull Corporation”43% of companies have skills shortages within their workforce. While according to the latest Employment outlook survey by Manpower75% of employers reported difficulties in filling some roles, with an increase by 6% compared to the same period of 2021.


This means that the global talent shortage has reached its highest level in 16 years. A phenomenon that will also increasingly affect Italy.

In 2023, the search for specific skills required by the labor market will ensure that companies will increasingly become aware of the need to change their approach to talent management. In fact, attracting talent is only the first step in this process.


The salary alone is no longer enough. Companies will need to focus on “other factors vital to satisfaction and engagement, including career growth, flexibility, and work-life balance”.

Salary, in fact, becomes “a secondary factor and no longer sufficient to choose whether or not to keep one’s job”.

It is no coincidence that 31% of workers declare that the main reason why they decide to quit is the lack of opportunities for professional growth and training and only 4 out of 10 workers declare themselves “satisfied with the prospects of career and upskilling opportunities offered” by your company.

HR Trends

Been aware of this scenario, according to Randstad’s latest HR Trends report, the company’s main challenge lies in focusing on retaining talent. To date, while 70% of HRs say that “the company has tried to retain talent”, only 41% of candidates agree with this statement.

The initiatives we have taken to retain talent include:

  • plans to develop skills (35%)
  • internal climate surveys (29%)
  • informal moments of monitoring (25%)

However, according to 36% of applicants, their company has no plans in place to retain talent.

To conclude, the road that has always been traced: in the near future, companies will no longer have to focus on attraction at the expense of retention, but they will have to (re)discover talent and commit to protecting it.

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