HR Innovation Forum 2023

23 March 2023

Innovation, Technology and new Trends for Talent Management

HR Innovation Forum is the first review in Italy of the main product and process innovations for Talent Management.

An entire day, that of Thursday 23 March 2023, of networking and insights into the most important trends in the sector entirely dedicated to HR managers and professionals.

“Being protagonists in the path of Human Innovation”

Even we at Smartpeg will join this event with a partnership that will see us involved, on Thursday 23 March 2023 on the occasion of the Spring Edition, in two areas:

  • Conference Area. A cycle of seminars on the most innovative digital and non-Human Resources solutions
  • Exhibition Area. An exhibition space where companies that provide HR services can promote their services


During the day there will be in-depth seminars and workshops to learn about new trends in talent attraction, engagement and retention activities.


Companies that have particularly distinguished themselves in the development of HR strategies and that have acquired consolidated experience on the subject will take the floor.


Best practices represent effective reference models for all companies that are constantly looking for stimuli to innovate their Talent Management activities.


Top industry experts will be involved to share experiences and data relating to the latest research carried out in the field.

The President Gianni Cicogna, as well as founder of Smartpeg with over 30 years of experience in the world of corporate organization, Human Resources and the IT sector, will hold an interesting seminar entitled: “Being protagonists in the path of Human Innovation”, in which it will touch on important topics such as those of corporate climate and talent enhancement.

How can we follow this new strategic paradigm in a simple and efficient way?

Being protagonists in the path of Human Innovation – Gianni Cicogna, President of Smartpeg

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