6 models to enhance

your People

Talenti individuali e tecnologia in una visione orientata al benessere e sviluppo d’impresa.

Magic Mirror

Like the “magic mirror”, this module allows you to become aware of your Talents, develop them and build your growth path.
With Magic Mirror, you can observe your progress and engage in improving skills and competencies thanks to team feedback.

Start looking at your tomorrow

with different eyes


The map to discover the relationships among people in your company. Put the Person at the center and map out the network of relationships with each collaborator.

Do you want to improve your relationship with your team?

View the recommendations suggested by LIVREA to learn more about your colleague and discover how to increase affinity and synergy. Relationships is a dynamic map, able to update itself continuously thanks to the feedback of each Person.

Nurture healthy relationships for a better company climate

Role Maps

The dynamic map of people’s skills to discover the ideal match between the Person and the company role. Thanks to the preconfigured roles and the Assessment of each People, you will automatically get: personalized development paths, career goals, job rotation.

Each Person will become aware of their gaps and take advantage of micro-learning to evolve towards the desired role.

Listen to each Person’s needs and design growth paths

Dream Team

Create projects and work groups defining the necessary roles and discover the 6 teams suggested by LIVREA, where each Person plays the best role. Dream Team recommends company teams based on 6 special index:

1. Dream Team


2. Role fit


3. Competence


4. Experience


5. Alchemy


6. Sinergy


Every Manager, for any activity, project, or department, can create the ideal team easily and on time. Dream Team is the winning match between Person and role, where everyone fully shows their competencies, working in synergy and harmony with others.

The right Person in the right place

Talent Acquisition

Choose the ideal Talent with the 3 Assessments of Soft Skills, Hard Skills, and Personality and get the complete profile of the candidates you are looking for. Talent Acquisition allows predictive analysis for candidate selection.
With LIVREA, you can compare candidates, place them into the company, and see them in relation to the team they will join, discovering their added value: all this before hiring them.

Increase your success in choosing 

the Talent you need

Feedback 360°

Get a continuous view of your employees’ Performance with an anonymous self and peer evaluation system and analyze the progress of each Person.
Periodically, you will chart your company’s route to push and motivate departments and teams where people continuously evolve. Intercept critical situations and act before it’s too late. Thanks to LIVREA’s data-driven approach, you will see useful Insights and Alerts in the dashboard to help and support areas and teams currently in difficulty.

Take care of your People for a happier and more productive organization

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