Are We All Talents?

12 April 2022

From first in class to what makes each of us unique

Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci, Dante, Pablo Picasso, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ayrton Senna, Marie Curie, Federico FelliniDiego Armando Maradona, Steve Jobs and many more! Are these the talents? Undoubtedly, yes! We must concentrate the efforts of recruiting, of evaluation of performance, of corporate training and even school education exclusively towards the identification of new talents such as those mentioned above? Undoubtedly not!

The revolution is born when we give back to talent the value of that small or large treasure present, sometimes buried, in each of us: but how?

  1. Acknowledging him
  2. Expressing it
  3. Developing it

These are just some of the key ingredients for the recipe for managing talent and personal skills, inside and outside companies.

Personal skills, constant practice, personality traits?

The term dates back to ancient Greece, where τάλαντον was a unit of weight and measurement, with a value fluctuating from area to area. It is in the Gospel of Matthew that, for the first time, the economic meaning is combined with human qualities, in the famous Parable of the Talents precisely (Mt 25,14-30). From here the talent begins the path that will make it popular with Dante, Boccaccio and Parini, and will take on the meaning of disposition, inclination, appetite (up to its highest emblem!) or rather a personal gift.

Today there is a lot of talk about this issue, especially in the HR area the so-called Talent Management

And we at Smartpeg are also constantly striving to best translate, with our technological solutions, the interpretation of talents that we feel are more inclusive.


We are all naturally gifted with talents, some more some less, but the difference is made by those who take care to develop their own and those of others. The axiom that is very fashionable: “talent = person”, in our opinion reduces the person to “being talented or not” and this reductionism would cause the alienation of all those people who do not fall within the arbitrary circle of the talented.


The formula that inspired us to create our main solutions – the GURU personnel management software and management software of talents LIVE – is to say “person = talents”. A company populated by collaborators aware of their human and professional value, with a Human Resources Department that will stimulate them to work like the two who, in the Gospel parable, nurtured them and made them grow.

“Are we all talents?” is then a question whose answer may be “no”, but the real question is: “Do we all have talents?”.

Here can start a new strategic Human Resource management, able to face the challenges of the new decade that has just begun.

In Smartpeg we value an integrated vision of the “parts that make a talent” and above all we favor the Soft Skills.

Do you know your personal talents? Would you like to discover your soft skills map?

We suggest you take Smart Got Talent, the test that highlights your ‘know-how’ : soft skills, character traits, intrinsic social signals and successful communication skills, based on 20 most requested skills in the world of work.


Discover the test now, by clicking on the “Fill in the Smart Got Talent” button found in the link

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